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We are a team of committed environmentally conscious individuals who feel passionately about the concept of sustainability and neutrality. We strongly believe that we should return to the Earth what's rightfully hers in its most pristine form. One such resource that we aim to replenish at the onset is water. We aim to gather a community of like-minded individuals who want to become 'Water Neutral', in other words, return the water that they use (and waste) every day directly or indirectly. 

Since it is tough to achieve that at an individual level, our team is working to make it happen for you. 

Water Neutrality

The WATER FOOTPRINT of an individual, community, or business is defined as the total volume of fresh water used to produce the goods and services consumed by the individual, community or business

Direct Water Footprint refers to the volume of water used in day-to-day activities like brushing, bathing, washing clothes and utensils, cleaning, watering the plants/vehicles, etc.

For an individual, as per the Ministry of Urban Development, Government of India, the direct water footprint is 60000 liters per annum!! (It's true, we cross-checked :p)

Indirect Water Footprint, also known as the 'invisible water' is the water that we don't directly use but contribute to its large scale consumption on a daily basis due to the food we eat, clothes and vehicles we buy, modes of transportation we use, paper, cotton to biofuel. It is a surprising amount, far more than what we use from the tap at home.

To give you a perspective, 140 litres of water is used to prepare your cup of morning coffee!! 

From growing the cotton to the dyeing process, it can take an estimated 20,000 litres of water to make JUST ONE pair of jeans and ONE T-shirt! Now imagine the amount of water consumption you are actually contributing towards per annum. 


By adopting water conservation techniques at home, like reusing the condensed water coming out of the AC drain, or using a bucket instead of showering, we can reduce the direct footprint to some extent. The indirect one, however, is something out of our hands.

For the residual direct footprint, if a person contributes (or invests) in water harvesting structures that can harvest 60,000 litres of water then they become water neutral not just for that year, but for the rest of their lives as the harvesting structure will get replenished every year with the seasonal rainfall.

OUR MODEL - How we help people to lead water neutral life and enhance Farmers' income

A water structure of size 1 x 1 x 1 meter can hold 1000 litres of water. Hence a structure of size 10 x 2 x 3 metres can easily hold 60,000 litres of water sufficient to make a person water neutral, at least as far as the direct consumption is concerned.

If an individual tries to become 'Water Neutral', on their own, it will be very difficult to find land to make a pond. It will also not be financially viable to construct small ponds. 

We bring together a group of like-minded people and find a suitable location in villages, in consultation with individual farmers and Gram Sabhas, and make large ponds that are cost-effective and generates additional income opportunities for the farmer or the villages as a whole. It also facilitates water-efficient farming practices which help us reduce our indirect water footprint also.

Another benefit to this is giving the women and young girls in villages, who spend most of their lives traveling huge distances in search of a well to fetch water, a chance to work and get educated, thus promising them a bright future.

Hence coming together and joining hands, we can easily achieve what seems to be a herculean task and lead a guilt-free, environmentally friendly life. From our experience, we have come to know that it costs just 15 paise per litre to make large ponds and make lives water neutral.

So any individual, with 60000 litres direct water footprint, can become 'Water Neutral' by investing 9000/- rupees.


If a person contributes Rs.9000/- to build a water storage capacity of 60000 litres, he/she become water neutral i.e. NF = 1.

If he contributes more, his/her NF factor enhances proportionality. For example, if a person donates Rs. 90,000/-, his/her NF will be 10.  

Higher NF means you are an environmentally conscious person wanting to make a difference by trying to neutralise your indirect water footprint as well or giving back much more than you are taking from the Earth. You are the warriors, helping us achieve our goal of a happy, healthy planet where no one has to survive on less or unhygienic water.


The world is currently in a severe water crisis, with large groups of people having little or no access to water. % of the farmers have no proper ways of irrigation, thus depending on rainfall every year. A large percentage of women and young girls leave their jobs and education to travel long distances to get water every day. % of the people have no access to piped water in the country and even big metropolitan cities have exhausted their groundwater sources. Water conservation and preservation is the need of the hour. If every individual who is in a position to return the water they consume joins this initiative, the crisis can be alleviated. A lot of people benefit from a single pond being built.

Join the cause, help us solve the water crisis, ONE WATER NEUTRAL MEMBER AT A TIME!


Small water harvesting structures (Home, Homestays, Restaurants, Offices and other structures)

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If you are involved in similar water conservation activities, please share with us, so that synergy between projects may be explored. Write to us at


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