Jal गुल्लक
Initiative for Shouldering Ecological Responsibility and Conserving Heritage
We work with Farmers, build Farm Ponds, aiming at
Making you Water Neutral
Making Mother Earth Healthy
Enhancing Farmer's Income
Total Water Capacity Created:
86 lakh litres
Completed Projects: 3
Ongoing Projects: 2
Become 'Water Neutral'. Give back Mother Earth the water equivalent to your Water Footprint.
Water Harvesting Projects at:
1. Village Zaurasi, Uttarakhand
2. Village Baroji, District Nuh, Haryana.
A list of members who have supported our initiative and achieved water neutrality, making their direct water footprint 0.
The Harsh Reality
India has just 4% of the world's fresh water but 17% of the global human population making it a severely water stressed country.
76 million are without access to safe drinking water.
256 of 700 districts have over exploited ground water levels.
As per World Bank report, India has 195 million hectare land under cultivation of which only 37% is irrigated while remaining is rain-fed. Women spend 150 million work days every year just for fetching and carrying potable water.
Bleak future
By 2025, India will become a water scarce country.
A UN report states that the demand for water will reach twice the available supply by 2030.
We are a group of people who believe that the concept of "Water Neutrality (WN)" can be an instrument to raise awareness, stimulate measures that reduce water footprints and generate funds for the sustainable and fair use of freshwater resources.”
What is 'Water Neutrality'? How can I become WN?
Trail Blazers
Dr. Niraj Kumar Singh
Neutrality Factor - 10
It gives me immense pleasure that I could become water neutral in my lifetime.
Mr. Amit Kumar
Neutrality Factor - 2
It gives me psychological satisfaction that I have drastically reduced my water footprint while sitting at home.
Mr. Dharmendra Mahato
Neutrality Factor - 1.2
I am extremely happy that I am in a position to return something to Mother Earth when I have always seen that it's the other way round
Dr. Geetika J Saxena
Neutrality Factor - 0.6
I feel happy to be doing my bit for environment's sustainability and creating a better planet for the future generations